Kong, Fanmin

Associate Professor

  • Biography
  • Publications
  • Current Research
  • Teaching

Fanmin Kong is an Associate Professor of Management at the Guanghua School of Management, Peking University. After receiving his PhD in Human Resources and Industrial Relations from the University of Minnesota in 2001, Dr. Kong joined Guanghua. He teaches Organization Theory, Human Resource Management, Management, and Labor Relations course for graduate students.

Research Areas
Industrial Relations and Human Resource Management
Organization Theory
Occupational Safety and Health
Labor Economics
Corporate Culture and Business Ethics

Human Resources and Industrial Relations
University of Minnesota
Peking University
Peking University

Professional Experiences
2001.8 – present
Associate Professor, Human Resources & Industrial Relations, Guanghua School of Management (GSM), Peking University

2013.7 – present: Executive Director, GSM Undergraduate and Postgraduate Programs
2007.9 – 2008.8: Visiting Professor, University of Minnesota Carlson School of Management
and Kyung Hee University School of Business Administration
2004.5 – present: Director, GSM Corporate Culture Research Institute

1998.9 – 2001.8
Research Fellow, Data Manager, Industrial Relations Center, University of Minnesota

1994.8 – 1998.8
PhD student, Research Assistant, Instructor, Industrial Relations Center, University of Minnesota

1985.12 – 1994.8
Lecturer of Economics, School of Economics, Peking University
1992.8 – 1993.9 Visiting Scholar, University de Paris I, ROSES


Ben-Ner, Avner, Fanmin Kong, Stephanie Lluis. 2012 “Uncertainty, Task Environment, and Organization Design: An Empirical Investigation,” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Volume 82, Issue 1, pp. 281–313.

Kong, F., Cai, Y., and Zhang, L. 2011. “Emerging Models of Employment Relationships in China: Challenges and Opportunities of Human Resources and Safety Performance in China's Coal Mining Firms”. Labor & Employment Relations Association Proceedings of the 63rd Annual Meeting, Denver.

Zhou, Bing, Fanmin Kong, and Yichi Zhang. 2011. “On the Dimensions and Impacts of Employer Brand: An Empirical Study of Commercial Banks and College Graduate Job-Seekers”, China Management Magazine (Academic Edition), Volume 14, pp. 3-22.

Guang, Lei, and Fanmin Kong. 2010. “Rural Prejudice and Gender Discrimination in China’s Urban Job Market”, In Martin King Whyte (ed.) One Country, Two Societies: Rural-Urban Inequality in China , HCCS 16, pp. 241-264. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts; London, England.

Ben-Ner, Avner, Louis Putterman, Fanmin Kong, and Dan Magan. 2004. “Reciprocity in a Two Part Dictator Game,” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Vol. 53, pp. 333-352.

Ben-Ner, Avner, Fanmin Kong, and Louis Putterman. 2004. “Share and Share Alike? Intelligence, Socialization, Personality, and Gender-Pairing as Determinants of Giving,” Journal of Economic Psychology, Vol. 25, Issue 5, pp. 581-589.

Ben-Ner, Avner, Fanmin Kong, Tsushian Han, Nienchi Liu, and Yong-seung Park. 2001 “The Organization of Work: Changes and Their Consequences,” The Nordic Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 27, No. 2, 121-134.

Kong, Fanmin. 2004. “Are ‘High-Performance HRM’ really High-Performance?” PKU Business Review, No. 2, pp. 38-40.

Kong, Fanmin. 2004. “HRM in China: Theoretical and Empirical Studies by Chinese Researchers,” PKU Business Review, No. 8, pp. 56-61.

Ben-Ner, Avner, Fanmin Kong, Zsushian Han, Nienchi Liu, Yong-seung Park, and Steve Smela. 2001 “What Works at Work? Evidence from the Minnesota Human Resources Management Practices Study,” CURA Reporter, University of Minnesota, No. 2, Vol. XXXI, pp. 9-17.

Ben-Ner, Avner, F. Kong, and S. Bosley. 1999. “Workplace Organization and Human Resources Practices: The Retail Food Industry,” TRFIC working paper 00-01,University of Minnesota.

Kong, Fanmin. 1991. “Pollution Control in Industrial Enterprises: A Cost-Benefit Analysis and Its Policy Implications,” Journal of Peking University (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition), Vol. 6, pp.37-40.

Kong, Fanmin and Min Xiao. 1989. “The Decision-Making, Layout, and Buildup of the ‘Third Line’ Construction: A Historical Perspective,” Economic Science Journal, No. 2, pp. 63-67.

Kong, Fanmin. 1987. “The Import of Technology and Equipment in Early 1970's in Retrospect,” Economic Science Journal, No. 5, pp. 72-75.

Wang, Yijiang, and Fanmin Kong. 1998. Human Resources Management in Modern Firms, Shanghai People’s Press,Shanghai.

Kong, Fanmin and Ai-chia Chuang, Co-Principal Investigator. “Institutions, Cutural Norms and Enterpreneurship in China.”, Joint Research Project founded by Guanghua School of Management at Peking University and National Taiwan University School of Management, 2011 – 2013.

Kong, Fanmin, Principal Investigator. “Discriminations and Its Effects on Labor Market in Urban China.” Research Project founded by Hosei University, Japan, 2009 – 2010.

Kong, Fanmin, Principal Investigator. “Incentives and Occupational Safety and Health in Coal Mining Industry.” Research Project founded by National Science Foundation of China (#70572017), 2005 – 2008.

Industrial Relations and Human Resource Management
Organization Theory
Labor Economics
Occupational Safety and Health
Organizational Culture

1. Human Resources Management (seminars,Strategic Human Resources, and International HRM)
2. Management
3. Organization Theory (seminars, Organization Theory and Design)
4. Organizational Behavior
5. Research Methodology for Management
6. Compensation and Employee Benefits
7. Employment Relations
8. Human Resource Development
9. Organizational Health Management (Innovative Course)
10. Business Ethics