Xia, Fan
Assistant Professor of Strategic Management
Fan Xia is an Assistant Professor of Strategic Management Department at the Guanghua School of Management, Peking University. Prof. Fan Xia (Frank) joined the Guanghua School of Management, Peking University in Fall 2007. He received his PhD degree from University of California at Los Angeles, where he studied following Prof. Richard P. Rumelt and Prof. Harold Demsetz in Business Strategy and Industrial Organization.

Prof. Xia's research interests lie in Corporate Ownership and Governance, Corporate Growth, Innovation, Corporate Inertia and Financial Risks..

Research Areas
Corporate Ownership and Governance
Corporate Growth
Corporate Inertia and Financial Risks

Professional Experiences
Assistant Professor of Strategic Management, Guanghua School of Management

Research and Teaching Assistant, Dept. of Economics and the Anderson School of Management, Univ. of California at Los Angeles (UCLA)
2007  Ph.D.  Economics  Dept. of Economics, Univ. of California at Los Angeles (UCLA)
2003  MA  Economics  Dept. of Economics, Univ. of California at Los Angeles (UCLA)
2001  BA  Finance  Central Univ. of Finance and Economics
Teaching Award, Guanghua School of Management 2009-2010
Xia, F. How diversified are diversified firms? – The relationship between corporate diversification and cash flow variation.
Xia, F., & Demsetz, H. External growth, ownership structure and insider trading. (Presented on the 2009 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois)
Xia, F., & Rumelt, R. P. Internal growth, Tobin's q and corporate diversification. (Presented on the 2006 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia)
Xia, F., & Walker, G. How Much Does Owner Type Matter for Firm Performance? Manufacturing Firms in China 1998-2007. (accepted to be presented on the 2012 IACMR in Hong Kong, June 2012; and accepted to be presented on the 2012 AOM in Boston, August 2012)
Xia, F., & Walker, G. Firm Governance, Regional Spillovers and New Product Innovation (will be presented on the 2012 SMS Special Conference Singapore, June 2012)
Xia, F. & Yao, Z. 2013. Rating inflation versus rating deflation: On the pro-cyclical credit ratings. Journal of Financial Research. Vol. 2 (in Chinese)
He, X., & Xia, F. (Corresponding Author) 2012. Institutional Reforms and Household Wealth Inequality - A Property Transformation Perspective on China’s Housing Reform. Economic Research Journal. Vol.2:28-40 (in Chinese)
Yao, Z., & Xia, F. (Corresponding Author) 2012. Optimal Deposit Insurance Design : International Experiences and Theoretical Analysis. Journal of Financial Research. Vol. 7 (in Chinese)
Han, Y., Wang, R., & Xia, F. 2011. Formal Organizational Establishment and Corporates' Environment Protection. Economic Science. 5:104-115. (in Chinese)
Current Research
Xia, F. How diversified are diversified firms? – The relationship between corporate diversification and cash flow variation.
Xia, F., & Demsetz, H. External growth, ownership structure and insider trading. (Presented on the 2009 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois)
Xia, F., & Rumelt, R. P. Internal growth, Tobin's q and corporate diversification. (Presented on the 2006 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia)
Xia, F., & Walker, G. How Much Does Owner Type Matter for Firm Performance? Manufacturing Firms in China 1998-2007. (Conditionally Accepted, Strategic Management Journal; presented at University of Hong Kong 06/2012, the IACMR 2012 Hong Kong Conference 06/2012, the Academy of Management 2012 Boston Conference 08/2012)
Xia, F., & Walker, G. Firm Governance, Regional Spillovers and New Product Innovation (presented at the SMS Singapore Special Conference 06/2012, Singapore Management University 06/2013, the 2013 Academy of Management Orlando Conference 08/2013, will be presented at the 2013 SMS Special Conference in Mohali)