郑博士目前的研究专长包括运营管理,供应链管理等。她的多篇研究成果发表在许多国内外学术期刊上,包括Information Systems Research, Production and Operations Management, Naval Research Logistics, The International Journal of Management Science, European Journal of Operational Research, International Journal of Production Economics, Journal of Retailing,《管理世界》《营销科学学报》《中国管理科学》等。
郑博士现在北京大学光华管理学院教授Supply Chain Management, Operations Management, 供应链管理,供应链管理专题,运营管理等课程。
Research Areas
Supply Chain Management
Operation Management
Professional Experiences
Associate Professor of Management Science and Information Systems, Guanghua School of Management
Assistant Professor of Management Science and Information Systems, Guanghua School of Management
2005 Ph.D. Management Duke Univeristy2000 MA Management Tsinghua Univeristy1998 BA Management Information System Tsinghua Univeristy
· “竞争环境下客户服务投入对企业利润影响的均衡分析”,第十四届中国管理科学学术年会优秀论文 2012/11/02-2012/11/05
· Sixth Annual INFORMS Case Competition runner-up 2005
· INFORMS Doctoral Colloquium 2003
· INFORMS Decision Analysis Society doctoral student travel grant award 2003
· Fellowship, the Fuqua School of Business, Duke University 2003-2005
· Regents Fellowship, Graduate School of Management, University of California, Irvine 2000-2003
• Li, R., J. Song, S. Sun, X. Zheng. Fight inventory shrinkage: Simultaneous learning of inventory level and shrinkage rate, Production and Operations Management, forthcoming.
• Hu. H., S. Sun, X. Zheng, L. Chen, T. Huang. 2021. Committed or contingent? The retailer’s information acquisition and sharing strategies when confronting manufacturer encroachment. International Journal of Production Economics, 242(2021) 108294.
• Zhang. C., X. Zheng. 2021. Customization strategies between online and offline retailers. Omega: The International Journal of Management Science, 100 (2021) 102230.
• Sun. S., X. Zheng, L. Sun. 2020. Multi-period pricing in the presence of competition and social influence. International Journal of Production Economics, 227(2020) 107662.
• Sun. L., X. Zheng, Y. Jin, M. Jiang, H. Wang. 2019. Estimating promotion effects of an enormous number of products on retailer sales and profits: A partially profiled LASSO model with endogeneity. Decision Sciences (SSCI), 50(4): 816-846.
• Tang. X., X. Zheng. 2018. Optimal pricing when rational consumers anticipate monitoring cost. Applied Economics incorporating Applied Financial Economics, 50(48): 5155-5163.
• Zheng, X., L. Sun, A. Tsay. 2018. Distribution channel strategies and retailer collusion in a supply chain with multiple retailers. Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research (SCI), 35(3): 1-27 (Lead Article).
• Du, X., M. Su, X. Zhang, X. Zheng. 2017. Bidding for multiple keywords in sponsored search advertising: Keyword categories and match types. Information Systems Research (SSCI), 28(4) 711-722.
• Sun, L., X. Zheng, M. Su, L.R. Keller. 2017. Intention–behavior discrepancy of foreign versus domestic brands in emerging markets: The relevance of consumer prior knowledge. Journal of International Marketing (SSCI), 25(1), 91-109.
• Su, M., X. Zheng, L. Sun. 2014. Coupon trading and its impacts on consumer purchase and firm profits. Journal of Retailing (SSCI), 2014 (March), 9(1), 40-61.
• Byers, R., S. Yin, X. Zheng. 2012. ATM pricing and location games in the retail banking industry. Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research (SCI/ SSCI), 2012, 29(1).
• Feng, T., L.R. Keller, X. Zheng. 2011. Decision making in the newsvendor problem: A cross-national laboratory study. Omega: The International Journal of Management Science, 39(1) 41-50.
• Bernstein, F., J.S. Song, X. Zheng. 2009. Free riding in a multi-channel supply chain. Naval Research Logistics 56(8) 745-765.
• Bernstein, F., J.S. Song, X. Zheng. 2008. Bricks-and-mortar vs. clicks-and-mortar: An equilibrium analysis. European Journal of Operations Research 187(3) 671-690 (Lead article).
• So, K.C., X. Zheng. 2003. Impact of supplier’s lead time and forecast demand updating on retailer’s order quantity variability in a two-level supply chain. International Journal of Production Economics 86(2) 169-179.
• Xu, S., Y. Xu, X. Zheng. 2008. Communication platforms in electronic commerce: A three-dimension analysis. Info: The Journal of Policy, Regulation and Strategy for Telecommunications 12(2) 47-56.
• Feng, T., L.R. Keller, X. Zheng. 2008. Modeling multi-objective multi-stakeholder decisions: A case-exercise approach. INFORMS Transactions on Education 8(3) 1-12.
• 唐瑄,郑晓娜,2020. 考虑参考价格效应和网络效应的新产品定价策略,《企业经济》,4:58-63.
• 孙淑晓,郑晓娜,2019. 发展不均衡的城市中企业空间竞争模型, 《管理现代化》(CSSCI), 4:97-100.
• 王陈慧子,孙淑晓,郑晓娜,2019. 线上向线下的O2O 全渠道定价研究,《统计与决策》(CSSCI),15: 176-180.
• 李荣,刘露,郑晓娜,2017. 供应商协助库存转运:基于企业实践的创新方法. 《管理科学》(CSSCI), 30(6): 92-103.
• 唐瑄,郑晓娜,2017. 考虑成本信息披露和消费者策略行为的创新产品定价研究. 《管理学报》(CSSCI),14(10): 1538-1545.
• 唐瑄,郑晓娜,2016. 动态定价还是天天平价?-- 感知价值变化与策略行为视角. 《商业研究》(CSSCI),8:1-7.
• 郑晓娜,2013.竞争环境下客户服务投入对企业利润影响的均衡分析.《中国管理科学》(CSSCI),卷 21, 期 6: 113-122.
• "网络口碑传播对寡头卖家定价策略的影响" (与张明玺,雷明),《营销科学学报》(CSSCI), 2013, 9(2), 71-89.
• "基于信息差距的网络寡头卖家降价策略"(与张明玺,雷明),《中国管理科学(专辑)》,2012, 20(专辑):204-213.
• "双渠道结构下的零售商串谋"(与孙曙光,雷明), 《中国管理科学(专辑)》,2010, 18.
• "窜货现象的供应链模型分析" (与黄涛), 《管理世界》,2010,9, 123-128.
• "信息不对称下的双渠道结构" (与孙曙光,雷明), 《营销科学学报》, 2010, 6(1), 109-123.
• "双渠道结构下价格与广告的动态关系" (与孙曙光, 武学奇), 《营销科学学报》, 2009, 5(4), 90-104.
• "制造商统一定价下的最优营销努力与渠道选择" (与刘向东, 雷明, 陈丽华), 《营销科学学报》, 2009, 5(2), 72-95.
• "电子商务时代的供应链管理" (与蓝伯熊, 徐心), 《中国管理科学》, 2000, 8(3), 1-7.