Cai, Hongbin

Applied Economics

  • Biography
  • Publications
  • Current Research
  • Teaching

Hongbin Cai received his BA in Mathematics at Wuhan University in 1988, his M.A. in Economics at Peking University in 1991, and his Ph.D. in Economics at Stanford University in 1997. He is currently Professor in Economics at Guanghua School of Management, Peking University. From 1997 to 2005, he taught at University of California, Los Angeles. From December 2010 to January 2017, he served as Dean of Guanghua School of Management. He is a National Chang Jiang Scholar (awarded by Ministry of Education of China) and a National Outstanding Young Researcher (awarded by National Science Foundation of China). Professor Cai has published many academic papers in top international journals in economics and finance, in a wide range of areas including game theory, Chinese economy, industrial organization and corporate finance. He is elected as a Fellow and a Council member of the Econometric Society. Professor Cai is a member of the National People’s Congress, and a member of the Central Committee of China Democratic League and Vice Chairman of its Committee of Economic Affairs. He was the founding president of The Chinese Finance Association (TCFA, overseas). He served on the boards of Sinopec Group, China Unicom, Everbright Bank, and other private corporations.

Stanford University
Stanford University
Peking University
Wuhan University

Professional Experiences
December 2010 to January 2017
Dean, Guanghua School of Management, Peking University

Professor, Guanghua School of Management, Peking University

Visiting Assistant Professor of Economics, Yale University

Assistant Professor of Economics, UCLA


Publications in International Journals:
  1. “Bargaining on Behalf of a Constituency”, 2000, Journal of Economic Theory, 92:234-273.
  2. “Delay in Multilateral Bargaining under Complete Information”, 2000, Journal of Economic Theory, 93:260-276.
  3. “Capital Budgeting and Compensation with Asymmetric Information and Moral Hazard”, with Antonio Bernardo and Jiang Luo, 2001, Journal of Financial Economics, 61:311-344.
  4. “A Theory of Joint Asset Ownership”, 2003, Rand Journal of Economics, 34:62-76.
  5. “Inefficient Markov Perfect Equilibria in Multilateral Bargaining”, 2003, Economic Theory, 22:583-606.
  6. “War or Peace”, 2003, Contributions to Economic Analysis & Policy, Vol. 2: No. 1, Article 2.
  7. “State Corroding Federalism”, with Daniel Treisman, 2004, Journal of Public Economics, 88:819-843.
  8. “Capital Budgeting in Multidivisional Firms: Information, Agency and Incentives”, with Antonio Bernardo and Jiang Luo, 2004, Review of Financial Studies, 17: 739-767.
  9. “Agency Problems and Commitment in Delegated Bargaining”, with Walter Cont, 2004, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 13:703-729.
  10. “Does Competition for Capital Discipline Governments: Decentralization, Globalization and Public Policy”, with Daniel Treisman, 2005, American Economic Review, 95:817-830.
  11. “Incentive Compatible Collusion, Competition and Innovation”, with Uday Rajan, 2005, Annals of Economics and Finance, 6:37-52.
  12. “Over-communication in Strategic Information Transmission Games”, with Joseph Tao-Yi Wang, 2006, Games and Economic Behavior, 56:7-36.
  13. “Did Decentralization Cause China’s Economic Miracle?” with Daniel Treisman, 2006, World Politics, 58:505-535.
  14. “Reserve Price Signaling”, with John Riley and Lixin Ye, 2007, Journal of Economic Theory, 135:253-268.
  15. “Costly Participation and Heterogeneous Preferences in Informational Committees”, 2009, Rand Journal of Economics, 40:173-189.
  16. “Political Decentralization and Policy Experimentation”, with Daniel Treisman, 2009, Quarterly Journal of Political Science, 4:1-24.
  17. “Motivating Entrepreneurial Activity in a Firm,” with Antonio Bernardo and Jiang Luo, 2009, Review of Financial Studies, 22:1089-1118.
  18. “Firm Reputation and Horizontal Integration”, with Ichiro Obara, 2009, Rand Journal of Economics, 40:341-364.
  19. “Does Competition Encourage Unethical Behavior? The Case of Corporate Profit Hiding in China”, with Qiao Liu, 2009, Economic Journal, 119:764-795.
  20. “Observational Learning: Evidence from a Natural Randomized Field Experiment,” with Yuyu Chen and Hanming Fang, 2009, American Economic Review, 99:864-882.
  21. “Incentives, Equality and Contract Renegotiations: Theory and Evidence in the Chinese Banking Industry”, with Hongbin Li and Li-An Zhou, 2010, Journal of Industrial Economics, 58:156-189.
  22. “Consumption Inequality in Urban China: 1992-2003,” with Yuyu Chen and Li-An Zhou, 2010, Economic Development and Culture Change, 58(3):385-413.
  23. “Eat, Drink, Firms and Governments: An Investigation of Corruption from Entertainment Expenditures in Chinese Firms”, with Hanming Fang and Lixin Xu, 2011, Journal of Law and Economics, 54:55-78.
  24. “Family Ties and Organizational Design: Evidence from Chinese Private Firms”, with Hongbin Li, Albert Park and Li-An Zhou, forthcoming, Review of Economics and Statistics.
  25. “China’s Land Market Auctions: Evidence of Corruption?” with Vernon Henderson and Qinghua Zhang, forthcoming, RAND Journal of Economics.
中文期刊文章(Publications in Chinese Journals)
  1. “竞争会加剧公司隐瞒利润吗?-来自中国企业的证据”,蔡洪滨,刘俏,肖耿, 2006, 经济学报, 2:15-45.
  2. “中国企业信誉缺失的理论分析”, 蔡洪滨,张琥,严旭阳, 2006 (9),经济研究,85-93。
  3. “宗族制度、商人信仰与商帮治理”,蔡洪滨,周黎安,吴意云,2008 (8),管理世界,87-99.
  4. “授权结构与激励的一些理论分析”,蔡洪滨,刘青, 2008, 经济学季刊,31:1-22.
  5. “寡头市场,递归信念与声誉”,杜创,蔡洪滨,2009,世界经济,372:38-50.
  6. “差异产品市场上的声誉锦标赛”, 杜创,蔡洪滨, 2010 (7),经济研究, 507: 130-140.
  7. “策略性模糊在信息甄别中的作用”, 吴应军, 蔡洪滨, 2011 (3), 经济研究516:108-118.
Book Reviews
Book Review of “China’s Great Transformation” eds. Loren Brandt and Thomas G.Rawski, Economics Development and Cultural Changes, October 2010, 59: 234-240.
中文书中章节(Book Chapters in Chinese)
  1. “中国国有企业的技术进步:估计与分析”,录于《中国经济增长与波动》,厉以宁等编,1993。

Industrial Organization
Corporate Finance
Chinese Economy

1. 2009/02-present Undergraduate Program – Game Theory and Strategies

2. 2005/09-present Doctoral Program – Advanced Topics in Economic Theory and Applications

3. 2005/09-present Doctoral Program – Game Theory and Information Economics